Here’s why a Termite Inspection and Treatment Plan should be part of your home remodeling project. A complete termite inspection before your project may locate termite infestations, rot and termite damage, leaks, moisture intrusion, conditions which may lead to rot and termites, and other needed repairs.
Forewarned is Forearmed – Knowing in advance if you need additional repairs or termite treatment will help you plan to address those issues as part of your remodeling plan. Some termite treatment is best done during remodeling when are all rough walls or floor framing members are exposed and before new finished products such as hardwood floor, cabinets, roof, siding, and paint are installed. Knowing in advance will give you a chance to schedule work in conjunction with your remodeling and avoid last-minute delays.
Ready to remodel? Get a termite inspection first.
To schedule an inspection, get a quote or for more information call
(650) 493-0445 Franz Termite Control at or fill out our Contact Form and we will reach out to you.